American Studies Presents Campus Premiere of PBS's AMERICAN MUSLIMS: A HISTORY REVEALED on 11/14, 7-9 pm at Rutgers Cinema

The Department of American Studies proudly presents an advance screening of AMERICAN MUSLIMS: A HISTORY REVEALED on Thursday, November 14, 7-9 PM, at the Rutgers Cinema, Livingston Campus, 105 Joyce Kilmer Ave., Piscataway. Perhaps now, more than ever, we need to understand this untold history, as we chart a path forwards in these terrible times. AMERICAN MUSLIMS is a landmark series of short docum...

Professor Carla Cevasco named Early Career Faculty Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice 2024-25

Professor Carla Cevasco has been named an Early Career Faculty Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice at Rutgers for 2024-25. The fellowship is awarded to our "most promising, early career scholars working in the areas of social justice and racial inequality" at Rutgers. Congratulations to Professor Cevaso!